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Masters Degree Description

The programme, which is accredited by the Institute of Chartered Foresters, is designed to provide students with detailed knowledge of direct relevance to the modern forest manager.

The Tropical Forestry MSc represents a natural addition to our highly successful and well-respected MSc Forestry, MSc Environmental Forestry and MSc Agroforestry degree courses.

The programme provides part-time students from across the world with training in the management of forest resources, understanding of the scientific, academic and practical principles which underpin forest management, forest measurement and forest ecosystem function and the interrelationships between government, industry and communities’ forests and associated land-use.

The Tropical Forestry MSc is part-time and the full MSc is completed in three years. It builds on the existing links and strengths of the highly successful forestry masters programmes in the School of Natural Sciences: MSc Sustainable Forest Management (SUFONAMA), MSc Sustainable Tropical Forestry (SUTROFOR) and Forest and Nature for Society (FONASO). These programmes were developed by European Masters consortiums and funded by the EU Erasmus Mundus programme.

Our distance-learning programme is designed to provide students with training in the subject of tropical forestry, understanding of the scientific, academic and practical principles which underpin forest conservation, protection and management and forest ecosystem function and the interrelationships between government, industry and communities’ forests and associated land-use. Suitable applicants include individuals working in forestry/forest-related industries/natural resource management, particularly in the fields of planning, regulation, policy, monitoring and environmental protection. The course is also suited to individuals working in forestry education who wish to further their knowledge and expertise in order to improve their teaching.

MSc Tropical Forestry (distance learning) Course Leaflet

MSc Forestry & MSc Tropical Forestry – detailed information

The School of Natural Sciences has secured up to 15 distance learning scholarships from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) for 2021 entry.  More information about the Scholarships can be found here.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?

Top five for Agriculture and Forestry (Complete University Guide League Table 2021).

Ranked 7th in the UK for research quality (Agriculture and Forestry – The Complete University Guide 2021). 

Video – Distance Learning Forestry degrees

Video – Tropical Forestry Study Tour in Ghana

Programme Length

Minimum duration: MSc: 3 years; Diploma: 2 years; Certificate: 1 year; Module: 15 weeks


MSc/Pg Diploma/Pg Certificate (by Distance Learning)

Research Opportunities

The course is closely linked with all aspects of the forest industry, both in the UK and beyond. Students are encouraged to seek opportunities and make their own links that relate to their own area of interest and expertise and are supported in this process. Students on the course receive regular updates regarding the latest news, jobs, placements and other opportunities in the forestry sector.









Entry Requirements

A 2(i) undergraduate Honours degree in a relevant science or technology subject is required, such as forestry, biology, ecology, law, economics, environmental science, development studies. Applications from mature students without higher education qualifications but who have relevant work experience and who have worked for a minimum of 2 years in a position of responsibility and relevance to the degree will be considered.

IELTS: 6.5 (with no element below 6.0) is required.

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