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Masters Degree Description

This course is accredited by the Institute of Chartered Foresters and gives partial fulfilment of Professional Membership Entry.

Can the world’s forests be managed sustainably? This one-year course will develop your understanding of forest ecosystems and their role in the global environment, and of the goods and services that forests can provide.

The MSc Environmental Forestry course has been running for more than 25 years, and its graduates are now working in forestry all over the world. We have close links with forestry and environmental organisations in the UK and overseas, and staff of these organisations make regular contributions to the course. Lectures, seminars and independent learning are supported by an active programme of field practicals, forest visits and a week-long study tour, during which students discuss management and policy issues with forestry professionals.

Why Choose Bangor University for this course?

Top five for Agriculture and Forestry (Complete University Guide League Table 2021).

Ranked 7th in the UK for research quality (Agriculture and Forestry – The Complete University Guide 2021). 

Entry Requirements

A 2(ii) undergraduate degree in a relevant subject, e.g. Forestry, Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Conservation Sciences, Sustainable Development, Geography or Biological Sciences. Alternatively, a first degree in an unrelated subject plus relevant practical experience may be accepted. Applicants are judged on their individual merits and age, work experience and other factors are also considered. Students with degrees in forestry, geography, biology, environmental studies, economics and social sciences have graduated from this course.

IELTS: 6.0 (with no element below 5.5) is required.

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