
MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) (Top Up)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MSc Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Top Up) course aims to equip to an enhanced level the skills of critical analysis and research in order to advance the application of evidence within the field of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN).

The course engenders a critical and informed appreciation of current contemporary policy, evidence based practice and practical wisdom to further enhance the delivery of SCPHN practice developing students to effectively synthesise and apply evidence-based knowledge and research skills building on having met the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) proficiency standards for SCPHN.


  • Enables individuals to reflect on the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their professional career and to build on this experience by being self-directed and autonomous, applying academic rigour in researching a professional project at masters level.
  • Engenders independent and lifelong learning skills which enable adaptive and reflective practice congruent with leading inter-professional Public Health teams and initiatives.
  • Recognises the value of continuous professional development in order to rationalise present day SCPHN practice and accommodate local and national agendas for inter-professional public health practice.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must hold all of the following:

  • A Post Graduate Diploma in SCPHN (120 credits at level 7)
  • Where the applicant’s first language is not English, evidence of an IELTS certificate (or equivalent) with a score of at least 7 in each area is required.

In addition applicants must:

  • Be registered with the NMC as either a nurse or midwife
  • Be currently registered with the NMC on Part 3 as SCPHN.

You will be supported throughout by a profession specific Personal Academic Tutor and a supervisor who will provide both academic and pastoral support as well as support from the module leader.

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Module Details

From Sept 2024, the programme award map is changing and will include two modules: Advanced Professional Projects (NURM110) and Research Dissemination (NURM144).

Module information can be found on the university website.

For further information regarding the award and the compulsory module, please contact Helen Kimble, Programme Lead on:

Please note the modules shown here relate to the academic year 24/25. The modules relating to the academic year 25/26 will be available from June 2025.

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