
PG Cert / PG Dip / MSc Advanced Clinical Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details: PG Cert / PG Dip / MSC 3-5 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The University of Northampton’s MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice course aims to equip healthcare professionals with advanced clinical skills and knowledge needed to lead and develop complex evidence-based clinical decisions, whilst enhancing service delivery and improving health outcomes within Practice. Linked to the four pillars of ‘Advanced Practice’; clinical, education, leadership and research; students studying for their masters in advanced clinical practice will also benefit from learning with specialists from a range of healthcare settings, whilst ensuring patient safety and ethical practice.


  • Accredited Programme with Centre of Advancing Practice
  • Work-based learning
  • Inter-professional learning
  • Professional body recordable prescribing qualification

Entry Requirements

  • Applicants must hold an appropriate healthcare or bachelor’s degree with honours.
  • Current professional body registration (UK registered).
  • Employment within a relevant health and social care-related environment.
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 3 years of experience in practice.

Nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and pharmacists with current professional body registrations are encouraged to apply.

Students who do not have a relevant Bachelor degree must satisfy the University that by virtue of their professional standing, qualification and/or training that they are fit to register for, and to benefit them from, their proposed programme of study. Evidence of recent level 6 study is required.

Please note that for NURM114, additional PSRB criteria apply for studying this module.

For further information regarding the award and its associated modules, please contact Laura Elliott, Programme Lead, via

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Student Destinations

This advanced nurse practitioner course is accredited by the Centre of Advancing Practice. NHS England’s Centre for Advancing Practice has been established to standardise post-registration education by accrediting advanced practice courses that achieve the standards outlined in the multi-professional Advanced Practice Framework.

Practitioners who have completed accredited education programmes will be eligible to be listed on the Centre’s Advanced Practice Directory.

Programme accreditation from the Centre for Advancing Practice will bring a new level of consistency to the workforce and help showcase advanced practice within health and social care.

Please be aware that accreditation with the Centre of Advancing Practice is only available to those students who have successfully completed the full Masters award, and not those who exit with a PG Diploma or PG Certificate.

Module Details

The full MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner award consists of six compulsory modules (180 credits) which include:

  • Advanced Assessment and Clinical Reasoning (NURM080) – 40 credits
  • Diagnostic Reasoning for Practice (NURM081) –  20 credits
  • Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (NURM114) – 40 credits
  • Educating and Influencing Others in Healthcare (NURM079) – 20 credits
  • Advanced Professional Projects (NURM110) – 40 credits
  • Research Dissemination (NURM144) – 20 credits

The PGCert in Clinical Practice requires you to complete Advanced Assessment and Clinical Reasoning (NURM080) and Diagnostic Reasoning for Practice (NURM081).

The PGDip in Clinical Practice requires you to complete Advanced Assessment and Clinical Reasoning (NURM080) and Diagnostic Reasoning for Practice (NURM081), Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (NURM114) andEducating and Influencing Others in Healthcare (NURM079).

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