  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

The PGCE Primary Education will qualify you to teach at primary level in any state-maintained school in England and Wales.

This one year PGCE teaching course blends theoretical knowledge with carefully supervised teaching experience. You will attend placements in a variety of school settings to gain a broad understanding of being a primary school teacher.

Why us?

  • The University of Sunderland has partnerships with over 650 schools, colleges and other educational establishments across the North East and beyond
  • All qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £28,000, and this will be higher for teachers working in London

Entry Requirements

You will usually need a 2:2 (or above) honours degree from a UK Higher Education institution or an equivalent qualification and be deemed suitable to train to teach by the School of Education at the University of Sunderland.

You must have a grade C or above in Mathematics, Science, and English Language, or equivalent qualifications. If you have studied for a GCSE which has a numerical grade then you will need to achieve a grade 4 or above. We will only accept equivalencies from

In addition to academic qualifications, you must also:

  • Have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
  • Complete a medical pro forma (based on DFEE Circular 8/92)

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

Please visit website to find out about funding for teacher training courses.

Student Destinations

This degree awards Qualified Teacher Status, which means that when you graduate you’ll be qualified to teach in any state-maintained primary school in England and Wales. Most graduates from this course go on to become a primary school teacher.

Good teachers area always in high demand. All qualified teachers will have a starting salary of at least £28,000, and this will be higher for teachers working in London. The amount you earn will then increase until you reach the top end of your pay scale, after which you can choose to progress into more senior roles, such as leading practitioner or head teacher.

The teachers’ pension scheme is also one of the most generous public sector pension schemes in the UK, one of the few guaranteed by the Government.

Module Details

Core modules:

  • Practice of Teaching (30 credits)
  • Development of Learning: A Case Study (30 credits)
  • Subject Studies (30 credits)
  • Negotiated Individual Study in Education (30 credits)

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