  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE by distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Qualify as a teacher with the PGCE iQTS from anywhere in the world, a DfE (UK) recognised International Initial Teacher Training course. This is a new initiative from the DfE and will lead automatically to QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) which will expand your career prospects and opportunities.

The PGCE iQTS course blends applied teaching theory and practice in three taught modules and one extended teaching practice module of 120 days. It has been developed so that it can be delivered to primary ‘homeroom’ teachers (all subjects) and secondary subject specialist teachers. It is a 36-week full-time course, completed in one academic year, which must be undertaken in an international setting.

Entry Requirements

  • When completing your application, you will need the consent of your school and a suitable mentor. The University of Sunderland will need to approve the school and designated mentor.
  • Along with your application, you will need to submit the online trainee agreement.
  • As part of this agreement, you will be asked to provide email addresses for two referees, your host school(s) headteacher, and mentor. They will be contacted for further information and to provide their consent. Please note, it is mandatory that all forms are completed and submitted prior to being offered a place on the programme.
  • You will also need to submit a strong personal statement as part of your application which will be crucial in how your application is assessed. Please note the following information and criteria for your personal statement.

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