
PGCE incorporating the Diploma in Teaching (Further Education and Skills)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE 1 year (with placements) Full-time

Masters Degree Description

If you are considering a career in further education colleges, adult and community education, work-based training, and public sector organisations, our programme helps you develop the required skills, knowledge, and professional values to achieve this. With a large proportion of your time on this course spent on placement, you have the chance to gain real-world experience, preparing you for a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Key Features

  • Benefit from highly skilled and qualified tutors with many years’ experience in the further education and skills sector. Spend at least two days a week on placement in a further education and skills setting.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to network with potential employers. Follow in the footsteps of many of our trainees and possibly go on to find employment within the organisations you work with during your placement.
  • Demonstrate innovation, creativity and enterprise throughout your time on the programme and benefit from the way education for sustainable development is embedded in the programme. Work closely with your fellow trainees, learning together and from one another, with peer-support is an important part of the programme’s philosophy and organisation.
  • This qualification is tailored for applicants who hold a bachelors or masters degree. The Certificate in Education is available to those who do not hold one of these qualifications.
  • We work with the local General and Specialist Further Colleges and would invite applicants with a range of qualifications and relevant experience.  On completion take your qualifications to the next level - after completing this course you'll have the option to gain Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status with the Society for Education and Training (SET). 

Entry Requirements

A relevant degree with honours or an equivalent professional qualification. Other qualifications accompanied by substantial experience in an appropriate field may also be considered. Maths and English at Level 2 or above. Non-standard applications will be considered on a case by case basis 
Applicants with overseas qualifications can check their compatibility with the UK equivalent through UK ECCTIS, who provide an advisory service. We welcome applicants with international qualifications.

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Programme Funding

From scholarships and loans, to grants from charitable trusts, you can fund your postgraduate study at Plymouth in a number of ways.

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