
MA Mathematics Education – Online

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year Full-time Online, Part-time route available

Masters Degree Description

Mathematics is a key aspect of education, from early years through to university, for economic wellbeing in contemporary digital, competitive environments. Learners of all ages should be confident and capable in using and applying their mathematics knowledge and this requires competent and inspirational teachers.

Key features

  • This is a fully online masters degree in mathematics education, the first such course in a UK university. It is based on the expertise and experience of staff in the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, a research and development centre dedicated to supporting teachers of mathematics in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary sectors of education. 
  • The professional development innovations are supported through working with colleagues using Japanese-style lesson study for review, evaluation and sustainability; this course provides the training needed for implementation of effective lesson study.
  • Evidence of innovative and motivating strategies for teaching and learning is based on video clips from the UK and, in particular, Finland, Japan and New Zealand which are all countries with mathematical high progress throughout school education.
  • Overall the modules are designed to help teachers develop their own inspiring and motivating lessons, based on effective strategies from mathematically high performing countries together with support to take on a leading role in mathematics education in their institution, whether in the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary sector of education. 
  • The modules also introduce sensible and straightforward ways of using educational research for development, implementation and evaluation of school or classroom based initiatives, including one major initiative that will be the focus of the final module.

Entry Requirements

It would be expected that the candidate would have a first degree and, in England, QTS or its equivalent. Normal minimum entry requirements are a first degree class 2:1 but we will consider students below 2:1 if they can demonstrate a strong academic portfolio or a record of professional experience.

Other educational staff can be considered for admission; for example, Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) if they are teaching or tutoring classes and provided they can demonstrate a strong academic portfolio or a record of professional experience with an appropriate mathematical qualification.

All applicants need to have access to an educational setting.

Normal minimum entry requirements are 2:1 (or equivalent) 
We will consider students below 2:1 if they can demonstrate a strong academic portfolio or a record of professional experience. IELTS score of 6.5 overall with 5.5 in each element or equivalent required for overseas students.
We welcome applicants with international qualifications.

APL, APEL and transferring students
Applicants with APL will be considered on an individual basis according to the University Regulations Framework. Students interested in transferring postgraduate credits will be considered on merit and current University regulations regarding transfer of credits from other institutions will apply. 


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Programme Funding

From scholarships and loans, to grants from charitable trusts, you can fund your postgraduate study at Plymouth in a number of ways.

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