
MA National Education (Wales) (English-medium)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 2-5 years

Masters Degree Description

This is the English-medium course. See the Welsh-medium course here.

The national Education (Wales) MA is a truly transformative and sector leading programme for educational professionals in Wales, from early career teachers to senior leaders. The educational landscape in Wales is changing rapidly. Teaching not only requires the mastery of a complex set of skills to guide, motivate, and facilitate student learning, but also the ability to enquire into professional practice in order to improve it. The programme, which has been collaboratively developed by seven universities in Wales, through direct engagement with a variety of key stakeholders including Welsh Government, will ensure that all education professionals in Wales have the same high-quality opportunity to enhance their professional knowledge, engage with research, and to improve their professional practice. Prospective students are encouraged to contact Dr Nia Young.

This is a blended learning programme involving local face-to-face teaching and online learning for all modules. Materials and resources will be hosted on the Welsh Government HWB professional learning platform and students will access the materials and resources via a link through their registered institutional Virtual Learning Environment.

The programme will equip participants with key learning experiences to support their research and enquiry into professional practice. It will enhance their leadership capabilities, encourage professional autonomy, and improve professional judgement in all contexts and situations. This practice-focused emphasis will equip education practitioners to act ethically, engage critically with research and practice, work collaboratively and to respond innovatively to challenges in their context. 

Welsh Government funded places are available for Teachers in Wales who are Welsh domiciled and employed at least at 0.4 (FTE) within a maintained school in Wales in years 3-6 of their career. See the Funding tab for details.

As this is a 3 year part-time only programme, it is not open to international students. While it is open to applicants from non-teaching in Wales backgrounds those applicants wouldn’t be eligible for funding from the Welsh Government. It may be possible to use Level 7 qualifications (e.g. a PGCE) as prior learning for up to 60 credits of this masters enabling the course to be completed more quickly.

Video – National Education (Wales) MA









Entry Requirements

Candidates must hold Qualified Teacher Status and be currently employed in the compulsory education sector in the UK. Candidates with existing level 7 qualifications (such as a PGCE) may be approved to use up to 60 credits of this prior learning towards the Masters degree and complete the Masters over a shorter time period. Please contact Dr Nia Young for more details.

As this is a 3 year part-time only programme it is not open to international students and while it is open to applicants from non-teaching in Wales backgrounds those applicants wouldn’t be eligible for funding from the Welsh Government. It may be possible to use Level 7 qualifications (e.g. a PGCE) as prior learning for up to 60 credits of this masters enabling the course to be completed more quickly.

Supplementary Application Form: Please ensure you complete all relevant parts of the Supplementary Application form and that your completed form is submitted with your application (your chosen University will provide guidance on how to do this). We are unable to consider applications without the Supplementary Application form. 

For more information, view our Admissions FAQ document.

View our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.  

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

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