  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1year

Masters Degree Description

The MA in Music with Education is a flexible programme which allows you to develop a deeper understanding of the theory and practice of teaching music to others. The course is intended for students with backgrounds in music or education (or both) who wish to develop skills and knowledge in both disciplines while exploring some of the ways in which the two fields are related.

On this programme you will develop your musical skills at an advanced level through performance, composition or musicology, while enhancing your knowledge and conceptual understanding of a range of issues relating to music education. You will hone personal and professional skills valued in the music education sector, and will develop skills and methodologies to undertake specialist research in your chosen area of expertise.

You will work closely with established researchers, most of whom have international profiles. The School of Music enjoys close links with industrial and third-sector parties such as the Venue Cymru, Ensemble Cymru and the BBC; in addition both the School of Music and the School of Education share well established partnerships with local primary and secondary schools, where many teachers of music are our graduates.

Entry Requirements

A first degree in Music at 2.ii standard or higher (or equivalent) is required. Candidates with a 2.ii degree must however achieve a 2.i in a substantial project in their chosen area of study (e.g. a dissertation, a portfolio of compositions, or an extended recital). Musicologists may be asked to submit a piece of written work of 3,000- 5,000 words that can either be: 1) a discussion of a selected topic from music history; or 2) an analysis of a selected composition. The essay must be academic in style, and must include footnotes and a full bibliography. Composers may be asked to submit representative samples of their creative work (normally two or three pieces); these can be notated scores, or audio recordings, or both, and may be sent on paper, as a data DVD, or via a weblink such as Dropbox. Performers will be asked to audition or, where this is not feasible, to submit a recent unedited recorded video performance, featuring contrasting repertoire (25-30 minutes). A sample of academic work may also be requested from performers.

Applicants who do not speak English or Welsh as their first language must pass the IELTS English test with a score of 6.0 (with no element below 5.5).

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