  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes Full Time/Part Time

Masters Degree Description

The Masters by Research (MRes) course is a flexible research training course designed to provide graduates with a foundation for a career in research, the public/private sector, healthcare or academia (i.e. PhD studies). The purpose is to offer high quality postgraduate training in methods and practice of research and relevant transferable skills that offer a unique learning experience to advance knowledge within your specialist area of:

  • Life Sciences
  • Sport and Exercise
  • Health
Studentship Opportunities 

The Department of Sport and Exercise at Birmingham City University is inviting applications for a Masters by Research studentship, funded by England Lacrosse. This is a full-time 12-month studentship.

What’s covered in this course?

Throughout the course you will develop a keen understanding of advanced research methods. This will take you on the journey from an initial research idea and proposal, to embedding research philosophy and contemporary methodologies and analysis within your work. This is geared towards producing a piece of research that could be pursued further at doctoral level, for a publication, or display the relevant skills to be competent within industry, healthcare or the public sector.

You will also be provided with the opportunity to specialise within a second area of research, through the contemporary design of our course. This offers a unique opportunity to be specialist in two niche areas upon graduation, thereby meeting the current demands for interdisciplinary research. There is also a focus on providing you with the skills to identify potential sources of funding, how to conduct enterprise activity, as well as project management and leadership. This provides flexibility for you to maximise the specialisms of your work, your career opportunities, and how to operate as a reflective, and evidence-based researcher following graduation.

Entry Requirements

  • An undergraduate honours degree (2:1) in a relevant discipline will be required. Candidates with suitable work experience and a lower classification (2:2) may also be considered. Both BA and BSc candidates will be considered.
  • Applicants without a 2:1 or above with an equivalent qualification or a professional qualification will be considered on an individual basis.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

This course has been designed with creativity and flexibility in mind, therefore allowing you to first learn then apply skills in self-management, leadership and initiative. As a result, this helps you to build the problem-solving skills and interpersonal skills to be an effective employee upon graduation. There are also many areas of reflective practice throughout the course, to ensure you become a lifelong learner and always possess a willingness to learn.


These are encouraged throughout the course in both short and long term forms. These commonly will entail working with an external partner or being a research assistant internally at BCU, or helping with teaching. The placements will be varied to allow flexibility.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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