  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full Time/Part Time

Masters Degree Description

Our MSc Health Psychology course at Birmingham City University is accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) as Stage 1 of the professional training in Health Psychology and provides you with the essential step towards becoming a Chartered Health Psychologist.

The course is designed to supply you with an in-depth investigation into the key theoretical and practical issues in health psychology and apply them to contemporary health issues. We will examine the role of psychology in determining how to manage health conditions, how to develop and evaluate health interventions such as CBT and motivational interviewing, and how psychological processes and interactions with healthcare professionals can influence health outcomes.

You will also learn the importance of considering the impact of health inequalities, economic and social influences on health and wellbeing. You will have a specialist module dedicated to enhancing your professional identity, personal development and skills, which is invaluable in preparing you for work/training as a practitioner and/or scientist in the global health sector.

You will be taught by our team of psychologists who are active researchers and practitioners within Health Psychology. The MSc Health Psychology team have a wide range of research specialisms including addictive behaviours, psychology of eating behaviours, gender and health, the role of mindfulness, compassion and self-compassion on health and wellbeing, healthcare interactions and health inequalities.

What’s covered in this course?

During the course you will:

  • Develop a detailed understanding and advanced knowledge of the key theoretical and applied issues in health psychology
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of skills involved when working with a range of clients over the lifespan (cross-cultural perspectives, gender differences, children and the role of the family in health and illness, and death, dying, and bereavement), management of acute and long-term conditions and the impact of health services
  • Critically examine how psychological theory is used to inform health initiatives and heath interventions
  • Explore the core components of developing and evaluating psychological interventions in health psychology with a focus on cognitive behavioural therapy and motivational interviewing
  • Receive formal training in a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods and gain hands-on, practical experience in applying a range of advanced qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques
  • Have the opportunity to design, conduct and report a high-quality research project on an area of your choice in Health Psychology with expert guidance
  • Develop critical self-reflection, reflexivity, and capabilities relevant to progression to health psychology practice, work or scholarship in the health sector

Entry Requirements

  • This programme will require standard entrants to have a minimum of a Second Class Honours degree in Psychology.
  • Applications will also be considered for interview from graduates that have a minimum of a 2:2 with honours and have covered psychology in a related subject area (Nursing, Public Health, Health and Social Care, Sociology, Education etc.). You are not required to have passed a Psychology conversion course prior to entry.
  • Applicants will be expected to have covered the following which will be assessed if invited to interview:
    • Research methods;
      • Empirical project at a high standard;
      • Covered psychology while studying a cognate discipline.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

You will be taught the skills and theory you need to be successful in the health psychology industry.

Gaining practical experience in these sectors will complement your learning and on-going career development.

We encourage you to gain voluntary work experience within the charity and health-related sectors.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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