  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

History of art is a rich and dynamic discipline, combining the rigorous investigation of the visual arts with the creative exploration of their connections to culture, politics and society. Postgraduate study in this area trains you at a high level in looking at, thinking about and researching art and its histories.

Our MA History of Art exposes you to key art historical approaches and allows you to focus in depth on areas and periods of particular interest to you, in early and modern (including contemporary) periods, through taught options (see an indicative list of modules under ‘Course structure’ below) and independent research. It develops your visual acuity and your understanding of art’s histories, while stimulating critical debate and stretching your research skills.

This degree offers you the opportunity to study with internationally recognised experts. Our teaching staff are defining the field, conducting ground-breaking research in periods from medieval to contemporary, focusing on painting, sculpture, print culture, architecture, photography, digital art and museology. You will work closely with our staff while also benefiting from our diverse and vibrant student body of all ages and backgrounds. The teaching programme is enriched by museum and site visits, visiting speakers, screenings and opportunities to get involved as volunteers in research and community outreach activities.

Entry Requirements

A second-class honours degree in a relevant subject or equivalent (for example, professional experience).

For students with a degree in a subject other than history of art, the one-year part-time Graduate Certificate in History of Art and Architecture can be used as a conversion course. Students who successfully complete the graduate certificate with merit will normally be guaranteed a place on this programme. If you are in this position, you do not need to complete an admissions exercise.


Part-time home/EU students: £4175 pa Full-time home/EU students: £8350 pa Part-time international students: £7600 pa Full-time international students: £15200 pa

Student Destinations

Graduates can pursue careers in the creative arts, media and education. Possible professions include museum/gallery curator, arts administrator, or advertising account executive. This degree may also be useful in becoming a community arts worker, multimedia specialist, or higher education lecturer.

Module Details


  • Frameworks: Histories and Theories of Art, Architecture, Photography


  • Art and Devotion in Fifteenth-Century Italy
  • Art and Identity: ‘Race’, Ideology, Culture
  • Art and War 1814-2004
  • Art in the Age of Giotto: evidence and interpretation
  • Curating Difficult Histories: Museums, Exhibitions, Art Activism
  • Fashioning the Body
  • Gender, Modernity and the City
  • Inventing the Victorians
  • The Art of Persuasion: Religious Imagery and the Catholic Reformation


  • Museum Cultures Work Placement
  • Research Project Report MA History of Art


  • Dissertation MA History of Art

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