  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The Master’s by Research (MRes) in Museum Cultures offers you the opportunity to study this expanding and dynamic field at close proximity to the most world-distinguished museums and galleries. If you are contemplating a career in the museum and gallery sector and if you are interested in developing an in-depth understanding of contemporary debates about museums and their cultural significance, then this is the course for you.

Our programme gives you the chance to develop a range of key skills, from critical thinking to writing an extended piece of independent research. Museums have been of enormous importance in shaping empires, nations and cities, and their collections are connected to wider histories of conflict and social change. To study museums is to study the development and fierce contestation of our collective cultural imagination and memory.

You begin with a core course that introduces interdisciplinary perspectives on the study of museums and a research skills module where you work collaboratively with your classmates. You then take one option in an area of specialist interest. Finally, you will be individually counselled in your choice of dissertation topic.

Entry Requirements

A second-class honours degree in a relevant subject or equivalent (for example, professional experience).

Applicants are required to submit a 1000-word research proposal and may be interviewed.


Full-time home/EU students: £8350 pa Full-time international students: £15200 pa

Student Destinations

Our students develop the ability to think critically and creatively, and to articulate their ideas persuasively. Intellectual rigor, visual sensitivity and informed debate are fundamental to museum studies, as well as being transferable skills relevant to a range of careers. Graduates can pursue jobs in arts management, conservation and policy; in education, marketing and publishing; in the museums and heritage sectors; and in research and academia.

Module Details


  • MA Museum Cultures – Approaches, Issues, Skills


  • Art Museums in a Global Age
  • Curating as Critical Practice
  • Curating Difficult Histories: Museums, Exhibitions, Art Activism
  • Exhibiting the Body
  • Museums, Memory and National Identity


  • MRes Museum Cultures Dissertation

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