  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time, 48-60 months flexible

Masters Degree Description

​From Africa through South Asia and the Middle East, our MA History offers a wide-reaching pathway in non-western history right up to the present day.

Our MA is ideal for any student planning to undertake doctoral research; to pursue or enhance a career in teaching and education, or engagement in media, public history, and the museum and archive sectors; or to follow their intellectual curiosity and develop their own research interests.

This course offers an opportunity to build a pathway, tailored to your personal interests, through a range of optional courses and individual research projects; including a unique pathway in public history and art history delivered by staff actively engaged in the media and eminent art historians and experts in material culture.

Entry Requirements

Normally a good undergraduate honours degree (2:1 or above), or equivalent from a university outside the UK. The Department also invites approaches from other graduates who can demonstrate suitable ability and commitment.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

Thanks to the possibility of building your own pathway within our MA programme, you can specialise in your preferred area.

You may continue your academic development with doctoral research, or pursue a career as a teacher, archivist, or in museums. Many of our students have specialised in local history and later progressed to jobs in the heritage and conservation sector.

In addition, your experience of individual research will help you to develop valuable transferable skills. You will have demonstrated your ability to understand and apply complex ideas; to collect and analyse large quantities of information; to manage your own time and motivate yourself; to construct reasoned and articulate arguments; and to reach carefully balanced judgements. This should equip you to embark upon a range of professional careers.

Module Details

Compulsory modules:

  • History: Theory, Practice and Themes
  • Historical Skills and Resources


The options on offer change each year, depending on staff availability. Recent options have included:

  • Nature and Nurture in the Nineteenth Century
  • Revolution and Resistance in 1960s America
  • Post-war Egypt: from Arab Nationalism to the Arab Spring
  • Early Modern Emotions
  • Radicalism and Republicanism in the English Revolution
  • The Reformation of Belief, c.1450-1650
  • Revolutionary Thinking, c 1640-60
  • Case Studies in French History
  • Case Studies in Italian History
  • Slavery: Power, Resistance and Gender in the American South, c.1815-1865
  • A New Jerusalem: Labour Party History to 1940
  • The Twentieth-century Countryside: Agriculture, Environment and People
  • Lies, Spies and Armageddon: Cold War Cultures, East and West
  • Britain and European Integration since 1945
  • US and China during the Cold War
  • Violence and Conflict in Twentieth-century Africa
  • Monument and Memory: interpreting French Romanesque and Gothic Architecture

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