
MA by Research Research Economic History

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA by Research 12 months full-time, 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our MA by Research Economic History programme will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of economic fundamentals, and the origins and likely long-term consequences of contemporary economic policies.

This programme is pluralist in its influences and concerns, pulling together the best from both history and economics. Learn how to apply rigorous economic analysis to deepen your understanding of the past, and compare economic growth and living standards across space and time using quantitative and qualitative approaches to historical data. You will make an original contribution to our understanding of past economies through your research dissertation, and will develop considerable expertise in your specialist area of research.

Entry Requirements

Normally a good undergraduate honours degree (2:1 or above) or equivalent from a university outside the UK.

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Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

In terms of both the content of your knowledge base, and the nature of your acquired skills, you should be well placed to embark upon a wide range of professional careers.

Thanks to the possibility of building their own pathway within our MA course, our students can specialise in their preferred area. They may continue their academic development with doctoral research, or pursue a career as teachers, archivists, or in museums.

Module Details

Sample modules:

  • Research methods
  • Current themes in economic history research
  • Dissertation

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