
MSc PGDip PGCert Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert 1 year full-time, 3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This innovative course offers clinicians and managers the opportunity to look in depth at healthcare leadership and commissioning theory, policy and practice, combining academic research with an up-to-the minute take on current policy, structured practical projects and work-based investigations.

With an innovative blend of leadership theory, contemporary healthcare policy and active application to practice, we equip clinicians, leaders, commissioners and managers to develop their knowledge and understanding of healthcare leadership. Uniquely, we focus on clinical expertise and clinical contexts indepth, alongside research and implementing change in practice.

Entry Requirements

Applicants will normally have clinical, managerial or leadership experience and/ or be educated to degree level. Students are normally in practice in the health and social care field. Full-time students, or students not in healthcare practice, will be identified and supported through the tutorial process.


Successful completion of at least three years’ basic medical science at a UK medical school (having gained at least 360 credits) with a guaranteed place to continue medical studies on completion of the MSc.

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