  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes/PGCert 1-3 years full-time, 3-5 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The course has been designed to develop clinicians’ research skills and promote independent research skills in future principal investigators.

Education and training is provided in quantitative and qualitative research through classroom teaching, workshops, self-directed learning and the development of research skills. Students engage with a supervised research project at an early stage and are encouraged to develop autonomy in project design, management, governance and reporting. They are also expected to give presentations and publish their research work.

Entry Requirements

A first degree plus a stated desire to develop as a researcher.


Evidence of involvement in an ongoing research programme, award of a research grant or employer support for a research project.


Successful completion of at least three years’ basic medical science at a UK medical school (having gained at least 360 credits) with a guaranteed place to continue medical studies on completion of the MSc.

Applications will be considered from NHS staff, those in the pharmaceutical industry and others who wish to develop their skills and experience in research. Academic clinical fellows at BSMS will be accepted automatically on the course.

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