  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Grad Dip 1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

Birkbeck’s Graduate Diploma in French Studies is ideal for those excited by the thought of studying French language, literature and culture at postgraduate level. This course will help you become a proficient French speaker, with a critical appreciation of the literature and film, culture and contemporary history of France and French-speaking countries. You will also improve your research and study skills. You can choose option modules from a diverse and challenging syllabus.

This course is particularly aimed at those who would like to take a Master’s degree in French, or a degree with a focus on French studies, but who need to bring their written French up to the right level. This course is also aimed at those who do not have a BA honours qualification in French and those with a qualification at, or near, BA level who would like to take a one-year qualification.

Entry Requirements

Normally a first degree in a subject other than French studies or modern languages.

Language skills in French equivalent to A-level plus two years (also equivalent to a pass in French 5).


Part-time home/EU students: £4175 pa Part-time international students: £7600 pa

Student Destinations

Graduates go in to careers in international organisations or businesses, translating and teaching, research and journalism. Possible professions include translator, teacher, researcher, or journalist. This degree may also be useful in becoming a Diplomatic Services operational officer or interpreter.

Module Details


  • French 5


  • La France Dechiree: Aspects de l’Histoire Contemporaine Francaise
  • La France des annees noires
  • Le Roman Francais Contemporain
  • Memoire en francais
  • Modern French Poetry
  • Montaigne
  • Racine
  • Reading Text and Image in the Eighteenth-Century: Diderot and the Tableau
  • Sensibility and Sociability in the Eighteenth-Century French Novel
  • The French Novel of Disillusionment
  • The French Short Story: from Balzac to Maupassant
  • Transgression in Nineteenth-Century French Culture
  • Translation from and into French


  • Beating Nature: Artificiality, Imitation and Simulation
  • Film and Politics
  • Representations of Love, Desire and Sexuality
  • The Twentieth Century: Key Themes in Comparative European History (Level 5)

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