
Grad Dip Spanish and Latin American Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Grad Dip 1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

This Graduate Diploma is ideal if you wish to familiarise yourself with and understand the rich cultural histories of Spain and Latin America, while also improving your Spanish and your research and study skills.

The course has been designed for those who want to refresh their knowledge of Spanish in preparation for a Master’s degree, particularly if you’ve taken a break from studying and need to refamiliarise yourself, or if you have a degree in a different but relevant subject area. The course will also suit international students who want to deepen their knowledge of Spanish and Latin American language and culture while experiencing life and study in the UK, as well as teachers who want to refresh and deepen their knowledge, but who do not necessarily want to undertake a full MA quite yet.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have a first degree in an appropriate subject and will be expected to have language skills in Spanish equivalent to A-level + one year, or C1 (CEFR), also equivalent to a pass in Spanish 4.


Full-time home/EU students: £5600 pa Full-time international students: £10150 pa

Student Destinations

Graduates go on to careers in international organisations or business, translation, teaching, media and creative industries, research or journalism. Possible professions include researcher, journalist, or teacher. This degree may also be useful in becoming a translator, academic librarian, or archivist.

Module Details


  • Project, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies


  • Contemporary Latin American Literature and Art
  • Iberian Political Cultures: Approaches to Modern Portugal and Spain
  • Space, Culture and Society in Brazil
  • Spanish 5
  • Spanish Discourse Analysis

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