
MSc Forestry And Environmental Management Degrees (Transfor-m)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 2 years

Masters Degree Description

This course is a two-year taught Masters programme which leads to a Bangor degree and a Canadian degree (i.e., a dual degree) across the fields of forestry and environmental management. The programme is offered by a consortium of eight universities: three in Canada, four in the European Union (EU), and Bangor in the UK.

Students will spend their first year at Bangor University and their second year at a Canadian partner university.

The partners in the TRANSFOR-M consortium are:

  • Bangor University, Wales, UK
  • University of Eastern Finland, Finland
  • University of Padova, Italy
  • University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden
  • Lakehead University, Canada
  • University of Alberta, Canada
  • University of British Columbia, Canada

Bangor University degrees available under TRANSFOR-M are:

  • MSc Agroforestry and Food Security
  • MSc Conservation and Land Management
  • MSc Environmental Forestry

Canadian degrees available under TRANSFOR-M are:

  • Master of Forest Management (Lakehead University)
  • MSc (University of Alberta)
  • Master of Agriculture, MAg, including second-level specializations (University of Alberta)
  • Master of Forestry, MF, including second-level specializations (University of Alberta)
  • Master of Forestry, MF (University of British Columbia)

Candidates are requested to apply to one of the consortium universities and must be selected by both it and a partner university.  Selection will favour students with strong academic records, experience, and credentials that indicate serious interest in international work.

Important information about Fees

TRANSFOR-M students applying through Bangor will have Bangor as their ’home’ university and a ’host’ university in Canada.

TRANSFOR-M students from Canada have a ’home’ university in Canada and Bangor as the ’host’ university.  Bangor ‘home’ students will pay their tuition fees to Bangor University throughout the two years of study.

Entry Requirements

A 2(ii) undergraduate degree in a relevant subject, e.g. Forestry, Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Conservation Sciences, Sustainable Development, Geography or Biological Sciences. Alternatively, a first degree in an unrelated subject plus relevant practical experience may be accepted. Applicants are judged on their individual merits and age, work experience and other factors are also considered. Students with degrees in forestry, geography, biology, environmental studies, economics and social sciences have graduated from this course.

IELTS: 6.0 (with no element below 5.5) is required.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

Several recent graduates from the TRANSFOR-M programme have gone on to study for a research degree. Other graduates have successfully taken up professional positions in forestry and conservation, often in the partner country. We are proud to have graduates from Bangor and other European partner countries who are now working in Canada, as well as Canadian graduates working in the UK and across different EU countries.

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