  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

A first of its kind, this MA in Film Programming and Curating explores the diverse ways in which films are selected and presented to an audience. Studying in the heart of London, one of the world’s leading media hubs, this MA takes full advantage of its location to help you build professional networks, visit various sites of exhibition (from galleries and museums to film festivals and cultural centres) and learn about contemporary film programming and curatorial practice.

The MA provides a strong academic foundation and relates the latest theoretical thinking to critical practice. It encourages an independence of intellectual thought and spirit, equipping you with the necessary skills and historical and critical knowledge to nurture film and film culture. This MA offers a historical, intellectual and conceptual understanding of film programming, curatorial practice and moving image culture. The curriculum involves:

  • theories of spectatorship, the audience and the changing conditions of film reception
  • sites of exhibition and the architecture of the filmic experience
  • the role of the archive, film canons and the exhibition of great collections
  • the practicalities involved in programming a film and locating audiences for it.

The MA combines these strong historical, theoretical and academic foundations with site visits across London, as well as providing internships at leading cultural institutions and film centres, such as the ICA and BFI. You will have the chance to programme events for organisations as diverse as BFI Education, the Korean Cultural Centre and other film centres around London.

Entry Requirements

Our standard postgraduate entry requirement is a second-class honours degree (2:2 or above) from a UK university, or an equivalent international qualification.

We will review every postgraduate application to Birkbeck on its individual merits and your professional qualifications and/or relevant work experience will be taken into consideration positively. We actively support and encourage applications from mature learners.


Part-time home/EU students: £4725 pa Full-time home/EU students: £9450 pa Part-time international students: £7600 pa Full-time international students: £15200 pa

Student Destinations

Graduates can pursue careers in the creative arts, academic, media and cultural institutions. Possible professions include film programming, cinema manager, independent curator, researcher, film distribution, or working for a film festival.

Module Details


  • History Theory Methods


  • Artists’ Film: the museum, the gallery and beyond
  • Curating Film, Sharing Passions


  • Shaping Contemporary Film Culture A: The Essay Film and the Archive


  • Shaping Contemporary Film Culture B: Themes in Film Festivals


  • Final Project – MA Film Curating

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