  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Arts management plays a vital role in designing, shaping and supporting the arts, helping to ensure that access, freedom and equality are achieved across all aspects of the cultural sector. Our flexible Master’s degree in arts policy and management is ideal if you are an arts manager already, and wish to develop your practice and deepen your understanding of the background, theories and principles of arts and cultural management. Alternatively, if you are contemplating a career in arts policy and management and aim to understand current trends and debates that inform the day-to-day running of arts organisations, it provides a comprehensive overview of the sector.

Our MA gives you a chance to explore the requirements and benefits of strategic management, power relations and policy and to practise evaluations within art production. The programme balances theory and practice within the context of the prevailing social, political, economic and technological environments. We invite you to develop and expand your key critical thinking skills in smaller discursive seminar groups focusing on public and voluntary sector arts organisations, but also address key commercial sector issues.

Entry Requirements

You should have a second-class honours degree in an arts subject, or in any subject together with experience of administration/management in an arts/cultural organisation, or three years’ relevant experience, for example in a senior management role in an arts/cultural organisation.

On the basis of prior learning and achievement, exemption may be possible for up to 50% of Year 1 elements of the MA.


Part-time home/EU students: £4175 pa Full-time home/EU students: £8350 pa Part-time international students: £7600 pa Full-time international students: £15200 pa

Student Destinations

Graduates can pursue careers in the creative arts, education and museums/galleries. Possible professions include higher education lecturer, museum/gallery curator, or arts administrator. This degree may also be useful in becoming a community arts worker or multimedia specialist.

Module Details


  • Understanding Arts Policy and Management


  • Research Methods in Media and Cultural Studies
  • Room at the Top: Professional Practice in the Creative and Cultural Industries


  • Arts Management, Sustainability and Urban Development
  • Arts Policy and Management Work Placement
  • Audiences: Communities, Participation and Learning
  • Comparative Cultural Policies
  • Creating a Public. Museums and their audiences
  • Creating Contemporary Exhibitions (30 CATS)
  • Curating as Critical Practice (30 CATS)
  • Digital Culture
  • Legal Aspects of Arts Management
  • Managing the Performing Arts (30 CATS)
  • Marketing: Strategies and Planning
  • Staging Music Events and Festivals
  • The Inside Out of Culture: Theories and Institutions


  • Dissertation (FT)
  • Dissertation (PT)

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