
MA Arabic/english Translation

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time 24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

You will be equipped with Arabic-English and/or English-Arabic translation skills for different types of texts, as well as an understanding of the theory underpinning your practice.

You’ll work with a range of text types, including natural and social science, business and finance, administrative, industrial and technical, and literary texts. You’ll also deepen your knowledge of methods, approaches and concepts in translation studies.

You’ll also choose optional modules that suit your interests and career aspirations, on issues in translation and language more generally, such as Arabic/English stylistics, translation for international organisations, computer-assisted translation, applied linguistics and genre analysis.

Taught by expert researchers and professional practitioners, this course makes use of the expertise across the Centre for Translation Studies and Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies within the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies. It’s a great opportunity to learn valuable skills in a city full of cultural and linguistic diversity.


Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons)

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Student Destinations

This course will equip you with practical translation skills between two major world languages which are increasingly valuable to a wide range of employers across industries.

It’s excellent preparation for working in fields where Arabic is a working language, or where translation in and out of Arabic is needed. These include foreign diplomacy, the media, NGOs and international organisations, the travel and tourism sector, teaching and areas of the publishing, cultural and marketing industries.

Other graduates progress to PhD research, or work as specialised freelance translators.

Module Details

Year 1 compulsory modules

Methods and Approaches in Translation Studies 30

Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)

Comparative Arabic/English Stylistics 1 15
Comparative Arabic/English Stylistics 2 15
Long Annotated Translation 60
Long Dissertation 60
Short Annotated Translation 30
Translation for International Organisations (English-Arabic) 15
Foundations of Syntax 15
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis 30
Introduction to Screen Translation 15
Corpus Linguistics for Translators 15
English for Translators 15
Rhetoric and Public Speaking 15
Managing Business Across Cultures 15
Introduction to Interpreting Skills 15
Genres in Translation 15
Introduction to Legal Translation 15
International Organisations: Context, Theory and Practice 15
Literary Translation 15
Writing for Professional Purposes 15
Specialised English-Arabic Translation A 15
Specialised English-Arabic Translation B 15
Specialised Arabic-English Translation A 15
Specialised Arabic-English Translation B 15
Dissertation: Translation Studies 30
Introduction to Computer-Assisted Translation 15

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