
MA Applied Translation Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time 24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

This course focuses on computer-assisted translation to give you valuable experience of the localisation, project and terminology management tools that are used in professional practice. You’ll also work with students specialising in a wide range of languages to produce multilingual translation projects.

Provided you pass our entry translation test(s), you can specialise in translation between English and up to three languages, as follows: from Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish into English, and from English into Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. In addition, you will be able to choose from optional modules informed by the research of our experts on topics such as audiovisual translation, machine translation, and genre analysis.

You will be taught by both leading Centre for Translation Studies researchers and contracted practitioners who will equip you with a good knowledge base and practical skills to launch an exciting career in the language services industry.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject.

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Student Destinations

A postgraduate qualification in Applied Translation Studies will equip you with valuable practical skills, underpinned by a solid theoretical foundation. You’ll also develop advanced skills in IT, research, communication and analysis that are very valuable to future employers.

Because of the rapid growth of the language services industry (estimated at $64.7 billion in 2022 and forecast to grow to $90.8 billion by 2027), many of our students find work in the industry even before graduating. Many go straight into practice as project managers and in-house translators and revisers across a range of small to large language service providers, and others pursue a freelance translation career path. Some students have also secured careers in the language service departments of institutions such as the UN, WHO, WIPO, European Parliament, European Commission, and NGOs.

Module Details

Year 1 compulsory modules

Methods and Approaches in Translation Studies 30
Introduction to Computer-Assisted Translation 15
Advanced Computer-Assisted Translation 15
Localisation and Project Management 15

Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)
You can choose from a range of optional modules displayed below. You’ll also choose one 30 credit summer project, either Dissertation: Translation Studies, or Extended Translations.

Translation for International Organisations (English-Arabic) 15
Introduction to Screen Translation 15
Corpus Linguistics for Translators 15
English for Translators 15
Managing Business Across Cultures 15
Introduction to Interpreting Skills 15
Genres in Translation 15
Introduction to Legal Translation 15
International Organisations: Context, Theory and Practice 15
Principles and Applications of Machine Translation 15
Literary Translation 15
Writing for Professional Purposes 15
Specialised French-English Translation A 15
Specialised German-English Translation A 15
Specialised Italian-English Translation A 15
Specialised Portuguese-English Translation A 15
Specialised Russian-English Translation A 15
Specialised Spanish-English Translation A 15
Specialised English-Arabic Translation A 15
Specialised French-English Translation B 15
Specialised German-English Translation B 15
Specialised Italian-English Translation B 15
Specialised Portuguese-English Translation B 15
Specialised Russian-English Translation B 15
Specialised Spanish-English Translation B 15
Specialised English-Arabic Translation B 15
Specialised Arabic-English Translation A 15
Specialised English-Chinese Translation A 15
Specialised Arabic-English Translation B 15
Specialised English-Chinese Translation B 15
Respeaking: Reporting And Live Subtitling 15
Specialised Chinese-English Translation A 15
Specialised Japanese-English Translation A 15
Specialised Chinese-English Translation B 15
Specialised Japanese-English Translation B 15

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