
Cranfield University

Cranfield University College Rd, Wharley End, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK

University Information

Cranfield is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management.

We have many world-class, large-scale facilities, including our own global research airport, which offers a unique environment for transformational education and research, living laboratory for testing transformative technologies and new approaches to deliver enhanced social, economic and environmental outcomes. 

Cranfield School of Management is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. As part of Cranfield University, we are uniquely placed to connect technology and leadership. Our contribution to global innovation is world-leading, changing the way society thinks, works, and learns. 

In 2021 the University opened a £7.2 million centre of excellence with the latest forensic equipment, a mortuary, expert academic staff and innovative courses in the fields of crime scene investigation, digital forensics investigation and forensic materials analysis. The new Crime Scene House, which opened in autumn 2023, is designed to replicate crime scenes and will serve as a controlled setting for practising and enhancing investigation, evidence collection, and forensic analysis skills.

Cranfield teaches over 5,000 postgraduate students each year and employs around 1,500 academic and support staff.

As one of the UK's most business-engaged University, we are trusted to understand and to be responsive to many organisations' needs.

Our results are recognised in our awards and rankings, our partnerships, and the success of our alumni. The experience gained at Cranfield is transformational for both individuals and organisations alike.

Click here to see our Rankings and Awards


Aerospace Integration Research Centre (AIRC) – The AIRC is a purpose-built facility that houses cutting-edge aerospace research and development equipment. It includes a large-scale test bed for aircraft and engine systems, an engine test facility, and an advanced manufacturing workshop.

Breakthrough Innovation Hub Providing design, build and testing spaces devoted to interdisciplinary research across science, engineering and design.

Energy Materials Laboratory – The EML's facilities enable the evaluation of the corrosion performance of metallic and ceramic materials in a range of environments.

Plant Growth Facility – Facility for experimental work involving plant physiology, plant phenotyping, and plant-microbe and plant-soil interactions.

Cranfield Management Development Centre - A world-class conference centre with customisable meeting facilities, comfortable accommodation, and an array of business services

Through-life Engineering Services (TES) Centre –  A research centre that focuses on the development of technologies and strategies for through-life engineering services. The TES Centre was established in 2008 and is funded by several industry partners, including Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, and Network Rail.

DARTeC (Digital Aviation Research and Technology Centre) – DARTeC is a research centre that focuses on digital aviation research and technology, launched in 2019 and is part of a collaborative effort with Boeing, Thales, and Saab. The centre has state-of-the-art facilities, including a digital control tower, a 3D printing laboratory, and a virtual reality centre.

World class Water Science facilities Our facilities include an on-site sewage treatment works, with it’s own dedicated pilot-plant hall, and state-of-the-art clean water, fermentation, microbiology, wastewater and water chemistry laboratories that provide extensive analytical services.

Management Information and Resources – Students can access a wealth of management information, supported by our dedicated team of information professionals.

Life at Cranfield

Our Cranfield campus is 40 minutes away from central London by train, with nearest towns being Milton Keynes and Bedford. London Luton airport is the closest to the University, while Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted are all easily accessible via train and coach.

Cranfield Defence and Security site at Shrivenham is around 50 mins from London by train and around 25 mins from Bristol by train. Bath, Cheltenham, Bristol and Oxford are all within an hour’s drive and London less than two hours away by car.

Cranfield is at the centre of two very beautiful and interesting worlds, the modern city of Milton Keynes and the country town of Bedford. Both options are just a few miles away from campus and are accessible by car, or by public transport.

While Shrivenham, a Ministry of Defence establishment on the Oxfordshire/Wiltshire borders, lies in the picturesque Vale of the White Horse, seven miles from Swindon.

On campus, there is a true sense of community, helping you to forge friendships during your studies and leisure time, in a safe and peaceful environment. Whatever your recreational, social, or sporting interests, there are many opportunities to make friends and have a great time.

Cranfield University - School of Management

Cranfield University – Defence and Security

Cranfield University

Open Days and Events
