  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: up to three years part-time; PgDip: up to two years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The ever changing external climate we now find ourselves in has changed how organisations work and their decision making process. Systems Thinking has become critical to success; organisations need to focus on their systems and the need for adaptability and resilience like never before. This course will help you develop your knowledge and application of systems thinking to support organisational viability and the development of appropriate governance and decision making processes for organisations.

The Systems Thinking Practice MSc aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of those in positions in their mid-career decision-making roles or part of strategy development.

The broad purpose of the Systems Thinking Practitioner occupation is to support decision-makers in strategic and leadership roles to understand and address complex and sometimes even ‘multi-layered’ problems through provision of expert systemic analysis.

Entry Requirements

A first or second class honours degree or equivalent. Alternatively, a lesser qualification together with appropriate work experience may be acceptable.


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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

Funding opportunities available, please visit website for details.

Student Destinations

The primary opportunity for graduates is to complete their studies and continue upwards on their career within their current organisation, and have a much greater awareness and expertise in Systems Thinking. The course also aims to ensure that graduates are better prepared to tackle the current and emerging demands of the increasingly complex demands of the world we live and in.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

  • Fundamentals of Systems Thinking
  • Introduction to Systems Methods
  • Dialogue and Collaboration
  • Systems Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
  • Systems Practice
  • Systems Thinking Development and Exploitation
  • Systems Thinking Thesis

Elective modules

One of modules from the following list need to be taken as part of this course

  • Modelling Social Systems
  • Complex Systems
  • Architecting Enterprises
  • Requisite Variety for Organisations
  • Systems Thinking for Social Change

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