
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Veterinary Education

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Part Time 4months -6yrs

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Veterinary Education is a unique part-time programme designed to promote educational excellence in the field of veterinary education. Developed by experts at the RVC’s prestigious LIVE Centre, the programme can be studied as a distance learner, face-to-face at the Hawkshead campus, Hertfordshire, or using a combination of the two delivery modes. It is a flexible programme of study aimed at:
• Professionals who are involved in the delivery of education and training in the veterinary or para-veterinary sectors at either further education, undergraduate and/or postgraduate levels
• Practising veterinary surgeons and other para-veterinary professionals involved in workplace training.

The programme comprises five separate, progressive courses. Students can begin and end their studies at a point that suits their previous experience, qualifications and career aspirations.

All courses will equip you with the skills to develop your own performance as a reflective practitioner, and to provide an enhanced learning experience to anyone you teach or train. The programme is accredited by the Higher Education Academy and on successful completion of the course students become AFHEA (Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy) or FHEA (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), depending on their level of study.

Entry Requirements

Academic qualifications

No prior qualification is needed

No prior qualification is needed

PG Certificate
University degree OR
Equivalent educational experience acceptable to the University of London

PG Diploma
PG Certificate in Higher Education OR
HEA/APEL accreditation (check your eligibility for FHEA status on the HE Academy site)

PG Diploma in Veterinary Education

English language requirements

A good working knowledge of scientific English is essential in order to follow the course. All applicants must have an acceptable English Language qualification:
•IELTS (Academic) score of 7.0 or above with minimum 6.5 in each component

For those without IELTS, please see our English Language Requirements page for a full list of qualifications we will accept as alternatives.

PLEASE NOTE: All teaching observation sessions MUST be presented in English.

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Student Destinations

The MSc programme appeals to a broad range of individuals from a wide variety of veterinary professions. For example, as well as those aiming to build a career in higher level education or academia, course participants have included animal welfare education officers, veterinary pharmaceutical company representatives, veterinary librarians, practising veterinarians, veterinary nurses and many more. Approximately half of our students are UK based with the remainder studying as distance learners from USA, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, Hong Kong, Sri-Lanka and Kenya, amongst others.

Module Details

Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education I (PPVE I)

The Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education I course is designed to facilitate the development of staff who undertake a relatively small range of teaching and learning support activity. This course is ideal for early career researchers with some teaching responsibilities, PhD students, staff new to teaching with part-time academic responsibilities, staff who support academic provision such as learning technologists, learning developers, library staff and staff who have a demonstrator or laboratory technician role. On successful completion of this part of the programme, graduates automatically become an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). The course comprises 20 credits and consists of five units of study:
•Student learning
•Teaching methods
•Developing learning materials
•Developing skills
•Assessing student learning

Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education II (PPVE II)

The aim of Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education II is to enhance the professional development of educators in veterinary and para-veterinary sectors. This course is ideal for staff new to higher level education teaching who want to achieve FHEA status (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), the entry level now required by many UK universities and higher level education institutions. On successful completion of this part of the programme, graduates automatically become a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). The course comprises 40 credits and consists of seven units of study:
•Student learning
•Teaching methods
•Developing learning materials
•Developing skills
•Assessing student learning
•Integrated curriculum
•Evaluating and improving practice

Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Education

The Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Education aims to facilitate skills and knowledge in all areas of teaching and assessment, to maintain evidence based professional practice, and to develop competent and reflective practitioners. Students wishing to progress to the Postgraduate Diploma or MSc must first complete the Postgraduate Certificate (or HEA/APEL equivalent). On successful completion of this part of the programme, graduates automatically become a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). The Postgraduate Certificate comprises 60 credits and consists of ten units of study, structured within two modules:

Module 1 – Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education.

This module provides a broad overview of the key principles which underpin professional education and the units of study are:
•Student learning
•Teaching methods
•Integrated curriculum
•Evaluating and improving practice
•Assessing student learning

Module 2 – Current Perspectives in Veterinary Education

This module provides a broad overview of five topical issues in education at HE level and how these are relevant to practice in veterinary and para-veterinary education. The units of study are:
•Developing educational strategies
•Self-regulated learners
•Developing skills
•Developing learning materials
•Evaluating educational literature

Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education

The Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Education comprises four optional modules of 15 credits each, chosen from:
•Enhancing teaching and learning with technology
•Teaching the basic sciences in a clinical context
•Assessment, feedback and learning
•Clinical reasoning and patient-based teaching
•Small group teaching
•Lecturing and large group teaching
•Evidence-based veterinary education
•Educational research methods – qualitative and quantitative

MSc in Veterinary Education

The MSc in Veterinary Education comprises two compulsory modules:
•Research project (45 credits)
•AND Educational Research methods – Qualitative and Quantitative (15 credits)

(Students who have already taken Educational Research methods – Qualitative and Quantitative as part of the PG Diploma must choose another 15 credit module from the above list that has not been taken as part of the PG Diploma).

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