
MSc Urban & Regional Planning (Glasgow-Nankai Joint Graduate School)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 2 years full-time

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Urban and Regional Planning promotes a thorough understanding of how cities and regions function. As a graduate, this will allow you to make a real and positive difference to the social, environmental and economic welfare of towns, cities and regions.

At its core, the programme aims to promote the social scientific understanding of cities.

You will be taught to understand:

  • the economic underpinnings of urban and regional development
  • the processes and institutions of urban governance
  • the relationships between places and urban society.

You will also learn to demonstrate the value of research-based urban analysis and understanding. In this process, you will improve your own research skills.

Entry Requirements

To apply as a student of Chinese Nationality:

  • Students register online for the China National Postgraduate Entrance Examination and select their desired JGS MSc programme.
  • Students sit the National Entrance Exam
  • Once the results are released, students are selected for joint interviews by Nankai University and the University of Glasgow. Students must fulfil the requirements for both universities.

To apply as a student of non Chinese Nationality:

Please apply through the International Office of Nankai University, which can be contacted at:

Tel: +86 22 2350 8825


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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

Graduates will find that opportunities exist in planning and development agencies, consultancies, property developers, local and regional authorities, regeneration and development agencies and government; and further study at PhD level.

Module Details

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