  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time or 2 years full-time with a placement

Masters Degree Description

The evolving transport sector presents exciting career opportunities for future engineers. Our MSc will allow you to learn more about how technology is shaping the way we move people and goods in society and apply principles of engineering, design, sustainability and human factors to transport systems.

You will be taught across different disciplines that underpin modern transport systems thinking and will have the opportunity to apply knowledge to real-world problems and hear directly from industry via talks and visits.

The course will be seeking accreditation from the CILT or CIHT.

What you’ll study

You will be working in groups during lab exercises for some of the modules and also work on individual projects, especially during the individual industrial or engineering research project. You will have the possibility to work on (live) projects during all modules as part of training and formative assessment. Below is an overview of the areas you will cover.

  • Existing concepts and emerging technologies and proposals across the transport infrastructure, analysing barriers to uptake across different factors including cost, human factors, regulatory and policy.
  • The importance of the user within transport, their interaction and experience across different transport systems.
  • Transport modelling simulations and analysis.
  • Control systems and their effectiveness on transport systems.
  • Design to Market: ethical concerns, regulatory factors, lifecycle management, end of life destinations.
  • Energy Solutions and Management: electricity generation, distribution, use, storage and consumption
  • Capstone Individual project conducted with an industry or research partner.

Entry Requirements

  • A UK honours degree (minimum 2:1) or equivalent in an Engineering degree or a related BEng / BSc discipline such as Engineering, Geography, Mathematics or Computer Science or another relevant subject.
  • Applicants with relevant employment experience or other relevant qualifications will also be considered.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies. We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Student Destinations

There will be opportunities within the Department and across the University to engage in projects / opportunities that will bring you into direct contact with industry partners. Some of these will be part of your course content, while students are encouraged to engage with external activities.

Students may also wish to study further at doctoral level in the area.


This course offers you the opportunity to take a one-year (sandwich) placement. With a placement, the course will be a total of two years full-time study.

Module Details

  • Fundamentals of Transport Systems
  • Transport Systems and Control
  • Human Factors Engineering
  • Design to Market
  • Sustainable Energy Management
  • Research Methods
  • Individual Industrial or Research Project

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