  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year accelerated

    2 years part-time

    1 year distance learning*

    *Only the distance learning route will be suitable for international students.

Masters Degree Description

Do you want to specialise in a new area of the law? Are you struggling to progress your career and want a way of boosting your skills and standing out?

This LLM in Legal Practice is designed for people like you. We’ll help you deepen your knowledge of an area of the law directly related to practice.

It’s the ideal way to develop detailed knowledge of a new area. It’s also an opportunity to delve deeper into your current specialism.

Building experience

You’ll learn about research methods. Then apply them in a dissertation or research project.

Choose an area of practical law that you’re interested in and benefit from the extensive skills and knowledge of our teaching team.

This top-up degree is for those who already hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (LPC or BTC/BPTC/BVC).

Entry Requirements

For entry requirements, please visit website to find out more

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