
MSc Therapeutic Radiography (Pre-Registration)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

This course will allow you to develop the technical, interpersonal; and professional knowledge required to work as a Therapeutic Radiographer and will include a range of practical and theoretical learning. You will learn about different aspects of oncology, including diagnosis of tumours and the different treatment options available. You will also consider the wider aspects of treatment including safety, planning and developments in practice as well as the appropriate patient management.

Delivered full-time, the course has a clinical and health promotion focus. It includes two practice placements and on completion you will be able to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) to work as a therapeutic radiographer. The Therapeutic Radiography programme at QMU is well established and sits within a suite of clinical programs all focused on developing the skills required to become an Allied Health Professional.

Entry Requirements

A good honours degree (normally second class or above). An application should illustrate what has been done by the applicant to research, and understand more about the role of a therapeutic radiographer. In particular, evidence of understanding the skills, attributes and values required to work as a therapeutic radiographer should be evident in the application. Where possible a visit to a department should be evidenced.

This program is not suitable for those with a degree in diagnostic radiography or a medical degree.

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Module Details

  • Introduction to Radiotherapy Practice (40 credits)
  • Fundamental of Radiotherapy Practice (20 credits)
  • Less Commonly Occurring Cancers (20 credits)
  • Cross Sectional Imaging Science (20 credits)
  • Advancing Practice in Radiotherapy (20 credits)
  • Preparing for Practice as an Allied Health Professional (20 credits
  • Leadership and Enterprise in Health Practice (20 credits)
  • Understanding and Appraising the Evidence for Practice (20 credits)
  • Applying Skills of Critical Enquiry (project) (20 credits)
  • Radiotherapy Practice-based Learning: Placement 1 (60 credits)
  • Radiotherapy Practice-based Learning: Placement 2 (60 credits)

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