
PgDip Teaching English for Academic Purposes 

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

In this part-time, fully online course, you’ll develop your skills in teaching English for Academic Purposes. You’ll focus on how academic English is taught and explore different approaches within the field. Alongside this, you’ll look at the wider context, examining politics and cultures within higher education as they relate to understanding and teaching academic communication.

You’ll build on your research and analytical skills, as well as your linguistic and intercultural knowledge, allowing you to develop as a practitioner. Throughout the course, you’ll collaborate with others, developing your teaching practice and your ability to research and engage in scholarship about your practice, contributing to the field through your work.

Study the course that suits you – with our flexible course structure, you can choose to work towards a certificate, diploma or a Masters qualification, starting in September or January. This postgraduate diploma (PGDip) course allows you to explore the same range of modules as the Masters course, but without a scholarship project in the final year. You could also choose to enrol on individual modules.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree

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See our website for fees

Student Destinations

On completion of the course, you will have developed your knowledge and understanding of Higher Education communication, cultures and contexts. Your understanding of academic practices and communication as well as your own teaching practice will allow you to pursue a career in teaching English for Academic Purposes or related jobs, including teaching English, lecturing in EAP, academic leadership and management, learning development, academic translation and curriculum design.

The skills and knowledge you will gain are highly valued by employers across all sectors, allowing you the opportunity to pursue many different career options.

You may wish to pursue your study to Masters or PhD level, and you’ll be in a good position to pursue an academic career.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Participants, Practices and Pedagogies in Academic Communication – 30 credits
  • Knowledge, Politics and Cultures in Academia – 30 credits
  • Text Analysis – 15 credits

Optional modules

You will be able to choose 1 optional module from the list below.

  • Principles of Curriculum and Assessment Design – 15 credits
  • Practioner Development and Scholarship – 15 credits
  • Academic Leadership – 15 credits
  • Ethics and Malpractice in HE – 15 credits
  • Intercultural Communications in HE – 15 credits

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