
MRes Systems and Synthetic Biology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Gain hands-on experience in experimental biology and modelling to understand, predict and redesign biological pathways.

Our MRes in Systems and Synthetic Biology provides a platform to overcome traditional barriers and work collaboratively on the ‘big problems’ and applications in synthetic and systems biology.

The programme is delivered by the is delivered by the and is organised in association with the Centre for Integrative Systems Biology and Bioinformatics (CISBIO). There is a link with the BIoS Centre at King’s College to facilitate the integration of this research with emerging ethical, legal and societal issues.

Study programme

This full-time programme lasts for one academic year and is made up of both taught and research-based elements.

The taught elements begin in October and last for the duration of the autumn term (October-December). This includes introductory modules that cover essentials for both life and physical scientists, as well as modules on experimental systems biology, theoretical systems biology, synthetic biology, and advanced technologies.

As well as conventional lectures, you undertake practicals, bench work, case studies, proposal writing and journal clubs.

In the spring term (January), you choose a topic for your eight-month long research project and draft a proposal to be evaluated by a student panel, before submission to supervisors. Your completed project is submitted in September of the summer term.

Close connections to industry and medicine are provided through the research projects from members of the Institute, as well as additional courses and workshops.

Entry Requirements

Our minimum requirement is a 2.1 degree in physical sciences, engineering, mathematics, life sciences or biomedical sciences.

A suitable grounding in mathematics is required, for example: A-level Mathematics grade A.

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