
MSc PG Dip Strength & Conditioning

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip full-time and part-time intermittent study

Masters Degree Description

Strength and Conditioning is a popular area within sport science, predominantly from within the discipline of physiology, often requiring knowledge of inter-disciplinary applied sport science and coaching.

The primary focus of this programme is sporting performance. However, the application of strength and conditioning principles to diverse areas including exercise, pre- and rehabilitation, youth and ageing populations, and other specific and clinical populations is becoming more commonplace.

By joining this degree, you will have the opportunity to study the application of these principles in your core and option courses, and see how they are reflected in a range of practical contexts through a voluntary internship or placement.

This programme combines both the theoretical and practical elements of strength and conditioning to identify and examine a wide range of academic and practitioner needs.

Entry Requirements

A UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a sport and exercise science subject area.


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Programme Funding

Please see our website for funding opportunities.

Student Destinations

Our graduates work around the world as strength and conditioning and physical preparation specialists for professional sports teams and clubs, for the UK and US army and air force, applying their knowledge by working with clinical populations in health settings, developing strategies for improving staff health and wellbeing in large organisations across a variety of industries, and undertaking doctoral study.

The qualification and skills you gain in this programme will complement the applied experience and any professional accreditation for those aspiring to be practitioners at the cutting edge of strength and conditioning. Primary roles exist in the sports performance area, but you may also apply your skills to work in the areas of exercise and fitness, rehabilitation and the wider sports industry.

The Master’s degree is also a springboard for further research, either within academia or the private sector. The highly transferable skills you gain in areas such as communication and project management can be applied to roles in any field.

Module Details

Compulsory courses:

  • Conditioning Physiology
  • Environmental Factors in Sport
  • Physio-mechanical Aspects of Resistance Training
  • Professional Development in Strength and Conditioning
  • Strength and Conditioning for Specific Populations
  • Research Process
  • Understanding Research Concepts

Option courses:

You will select a total of 20 credits of courses at level 10 (year 3 and 4 undergraduate) and/or level 11 (postgraduate) from across the University, subject to approval by the Programme Director and the relevant course organiser.

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