  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    2 years (14 -15 weekends)

Masters Degree Description

Throughout the programme, you will become knowledgeable about the theory and practice of responsible business, leadership and management in the context of your own personal and professional practice, organisation and sector specific contextual drivers, and broader societal and global challenges. You will develop your ability to critically reflect on your leadership approach and management capability and practice, whilst also cultivating an awareness of cultural and ethical issues that impact on your individual practice and organisational contexts.

Furthermore, you will work on developing research skills, critical thinking and effective organisational improvement techniques as well as exploring all the personal competences associated with leadership and management in complex, dynamic and excellence focused organisations. But it’s not just about cutting edge theory; it’s also about hands-on practical experience. To this end, you are encouraged to build on your own leadership and management experience with work related assignments which will contribute to developing self, career and workplace improvement.

Modules within the programme will adopt a combination of research approaches including learning how to research, extracting knowledge from and critically analysing research from others and importantly, applying research in your daily practice.

This MSc aims to provide you with a framework of learning that develops your personal and professional capabilities as an existing or aspiring senior leader, supports you in applying cutting edge business theory to enhance organisational practice and builds your capacity to lead investigations, people and projects in the workplace.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and 3 years minimum work experience with supervisory responsibility

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Student Destinations

This programme is specifically designed for those in employment and who are seeking to develop their careers as strategic leaders. As such significant emphasis is placed upon developing the competencies required to accelerate leadership career potential. Through the teaching, learning and assessment strategy, you will be encouraged to develop your knowledge and skills as practising or aspiring leaders, and to think analytically about your personal and organisational practice.

Furthermore, the majority of the Knowledge and Understanding criteria are required in the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for management and leadership (2008). The National Occupational Standards are statements of best practice that outline the performance criteria, related skills, knowledge and understanding required to effectively carry out various management and leadership functions.

Module Details

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