
MSc Strategic and Digital Marketing

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc one year full-time, up to six years part-time, daytime classes only

Masters Degree Description

Marketing is an exciting, popular profession and there is fierce competition for the best jobs. All organisations can benefit from top-class marketing so there is a wide range of great opportunities for talented individuals with the right skills. This degree will develop your expertise in leading-edge marketing applications and give you a competitive advantage over other job applicants and future colleagues.

This is a specialist master’s degree for students with existing qualifications in marketing or business and/or substantial marketing experience. If you have little or no previous marketing experience or qualifications you should consider our Marketing Management MSc which is a career entry course.

This expert course is designed for those who want to deepen their marketing knowledge and develop advanced skills. It aims to:

  • Equip you with sufficient knowledge to develop and strengthen your career in marketing
  • Develop your expertise in critical and competitive analysis and in marketing strategy development
  • Help prepare you for your career with advanced communications skills
  • Offer an opportunity for personal and professional development which will be useful not just for any marketing position but also in a wider, lifelong learning framework

The course is designed to enhance your abilities to develop and deliver successful marketing and competitive strategies. Focus within the core modules is on strategic and critically analytical approaches to marketing. You are expected to have a sound knowledge of marketing theory already and be committed to a marketing career as well as to deepening your understanding of strategic perspectives in the discipline.

Entry Requirements

You should have a good honours degree, or overseas equivalent, in marketing or in business or management with substantial marketing content. Applications from mature students without the formal academic qualifications but with significant marketing management experience will be considered on an individual basis.
If English is not your first language, an IELTS score of 6.5 (including a minimum of 5.5 in each component) or equivalent is normally required. English language tuition is available both before and during the course if required.


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

Recent graduates from our MSc programmes are now working for a variety of UK and international companies including IBM, Candi, Schroders Investments, Saudi Industrial Development Fund, Sudan International University and Ski Cool St Moritz. Recent agency and media appointments include DDB Hong Kong, Leo Burnett Cyprus, Razorfish, The Station Agency, Big Communications, Northcliffe Media and Virgin Outdoor.

Module Details

The course starts with an induction in September which introduces the course team, the modules to be studied, and the business skills required for both the course and for a career in marketing. Through exposure to strategic analysis, advanced marketing research and leading edge e-Marketing you will improve your understanding of marketing in a competitive environment.

This course is grounded in the latest theory and also has a strong practical element. There will be many chances to apply your knowledge and develop the advanced skills that will help you to enjoy a successful marketing career.

The content within the modules offered reflects the changing marketing landscape. For example, developments in social and digital media are embedded throughout the programme and are integral to certain modules such as Direct & Digital Marketing and Strategic e-Marketing.

Other key themes covered across the programme include: insight management, innovation and entrepreneurship, project management, customer management, campaign planning, Paid Owned Earned media planning, working with agencies and international marketin perspectives.

You will take a number of core (compulsory) modules. The following are indicative of these core modules:

Strategic e-Marketing focuses on impact of emerged and emerging technologies such as the Internet, social media, mobile phones and digital TV on marketing theory and practice. The module encourages critical thinking and understanding of E-Marketing theoretical developments, concepts and frameworks through application, extensive reading and real life examples

Project Management considers the scope and definition of a project, its significance as an instrument of change and the roles and responsibilities of people within it. The module incorporates a chosen strategic marketing scenario which stimulates the experience of being in a real project team. The application of a range of project management tools is critically evaluated for the execution, management and control of project management throughout all its phases

Marketing Research in Practice looks at how marketing decision making is supported by detailed marketing information, and the techniques employed to gather and assess that information

Managing Advertising and Communications gives a thorough grounding in all aspects of promotional activity, especially integrated marketing communications and the development and management of advertising campaigns

Research Methods for Marketers develops research and analysis skills for an in-depth understanding of markets in preparation for the dissertation

Management Study Support is a practical module which teaches advanced communication and study skills to support you while studying at master’s level and to equip you with essential skills for a successful career in marketing

You normally choose two further modules. The following are typical of the elective modules offered:

  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Applied International Marketing
  • Direct and Digital Marketing
  • Managing Complexity, Uncertainty and Conflict
  • Consumer Culture and Behaviour
  • Creative Brand Strategy

During the final semester (June–September) you will complete a dissertation on a strategic marketing topic of your choice.

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