
MA Sports Ethics and Integrity

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 2 years full-time

Masters Degree Description

The world-leading Erasmus Mundus Master in Sport Ethics and Integrity (MAiSI) is a 2-year full-time postgraduate programme that is delivered by six prestigious European universities, including Swansea University.

Each year, the course attracts up to 25 high quality students from across the globe to form a truly multinational and multicultural cohort with a wide array of experience and skills, from both within and outside of the sports industry.

As a MAiSI student you will have the opportunity to study at several different European universities, including KU Leuven, Belgium; Charles University, Prague; UPF Barcelona; University of Mainz, Germany; and the University of the Peloponnese, Greece. Swansea University faculty (Professor Mike McNamee, Dr Andrew Bloodworth, Dr John William Devine and Dr Andy Harvey) provide significant input into the teaching programme, notably on sport ethics, anti-doping and equality and inclusion modules.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for the Erasmus Mundus MA Sports Ethics and Integrity is a first (1st) or second class honours, upper division (2.1) degree in a relevant discipline.

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Programme Funding

We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries for both taught and research courses to help you fund your study.

Student Destinations

Recent MAiSI graduates have gone on to find jobs within the industry with positions at the International Paralympic Committee, the Athletics Integrity Unit, UNODC as well as numerous fully-funded PhD studentships.

Module Details

For module details please see here

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