  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes Full time, 1 year Part time, 2 years

Masters Degree Description

The MRes in Sport and Exercise Science is designed to give you the opportunity to develop key research skills focused on sport and related research.

Most of your study will involve an independent research project supervised by an established researcher within the School, with the rest based on a core research skills module. 

Teaching methods include lectures, workshops, seminars, discussion groups and meetings with your supervisory team. All taught modules are supported by online material. 

You will work on your project in our refurbished sport and exercise laboratories, excellent modern sports facilities or in collaboration with local community organisations with the support of an existing research group with good community links.

Entry Requirements

Minimum 2:2 Honours and a Research Proposal

We would normally expect you to have Grade C in GCSE English and Maths.

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