
MRes Sport And Exercise Science

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes Full-time: 1 year (12 months)

    Part-time: 2-6 years (24-72 months)

Masters Degree Description

This MRes is a tailored programme of study enabling you to work closely with supervisors in your area of interest. This programme has been designed to allow you to specialise in either Psychology, Physiology or Biomechanics and to undertake your own independent research. 

The Sports and Exercise Science masters in research (MRes) at the University of Roehampton provides you with essential tools to make the transition from postgraduate study to further study (PhD) or employment.  

You will undertake an extensive research dissertation which will give you the opportunity to perform focused research, informed and framed by theoretical understanding, and to develop the discipline-specific skills and understanding of the processes required for good research practice. To help inform your dissertation, you will also complete the Research Methods module and be paired with a project supervisor who is an expert in your chosen topic. 

You will develop an enhanced understanding of the key concepts, principles and theories in your chosen area of Sport and Exercise Science Research. You will also gain the conceptual, practical and analytical framework for research and employment in the field of Sport and Exercise Science, while developing your ability to conduct a substantial piece of original research and present it in a variety of formats. 

As students will work closely with an expert in their chosen field of research, prospective students can contact potential supervisors to discuss their area of research prior to starting the programme. Applications will only be considered if you have a proposed Research Project and supervisor at the time of application. You can find out about potential supervisors and their research interests here. Please note, honorary members cannot be supervisors and should not be contacted. 

Entry Requirements

You should usually hold a second-class honours degree (certain programmes may require a 2:1) from a recognised British or overseas university. Advice on recognition can be obtained from the Admissions Office. Non-graduates with appropriate professional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis by Programme Conveners; contact details can be found on the individual programme page. Applicants will be expected to apply and register for the full master’s award. Those with a third-class honours degree are encouraged to complete an application as we will consider an applicant’s wider circumstances in making a decision on an application. Please contact if you have any questions.

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