  • DeadlineStudy Details: Mres; 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

MRes Sport and Exercise will allow you to critically explore a specific research area within the overarching subject area of Sport and Exercise. You will be supported in pursuing a specialist area of research by subject experts and will draw upon a blend of theory, practical and qualitative and quantitative data analysis experiences to prepare you for related employment or further study.

The MRes will support student progression, develop researchers and professional practitioners in specialist areas and would suit those wishing to gain more experience of research prior to embarking on PhD study and/or looking to gain experience of working on projects prioritised by industry partners.

You will develop industry-relevant/vocational skills (critical analysis, reflective practice, working in multidisciplinary teams) and will have the opportunity to undertake an extended laboratory or field-based research project, developing your employability skills and industry capital. Industry partners may also offer internships to selected MRes graduates where research projects support organisations to improve competitiveness, skills, and innovation ability.


  • The two taught modules will prepare you to undertake a research project
  • You will be able to apply and develop your skills in a practical, real world setting with local professional industries
  • Taught and supervised by motivated and research active subject experts
  • Brand new campus and facilities at our £330 million Waterside Campus
  • An opportunity to work with established subject experts

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for the MRes in Sport and Exercise programme at the University of Northampton, you must meet the following entry requirements:

  • Hold a 2:1 or better degree in a related subject area (the degree must reflect the subject focus of the proposed research project)
    International applicants will also require a 2:1 (or equivalent) or better degree in a related subject area (the degree must reflect the subject focus of the proposed research project)
  • Show commitment and enthusiasm for the study of the dedicated pathways within Sport and Exercise to complete all requirements of the course.

Our MRes programme in Sport and Exercise, seeks to recruit to the programme students from a diverse educational and social backgrounds who could benefit from and motivation to complete the programme. The programme welcomes applications from those with a wide variety of educational qualifications and will consider on merit applicants with no formal qualifications.

Personal Statement

Within their Personal Statement, applicants are advised to demonstrate and reflect on the following topics:

  • Commitment and enthusiasm for the study of the dedicated pathways within Sport and Exercise.
  • Relevance of their degree and previous experiences relating to Sport and Exercise.
  • Reasons and motivation for studying this programme at the University of Northampton.
  • Reasons and motivation for specifically studying at Masters/ Level 7 study.

Research Proposal Guidance

Please include a short proposal for the MRes in your application (maximum 1-2 pages, 1000 words plus references).  Within your Research proposal will be expected to provide evidence of your ability to plan and organise independent research. Your proposal must be a relevant topic area associated with projects listed within the specialism section on this page, but you can provide your own research topic that is of Level 7 standard.

Please include the following information within your proposal:

  • Provide an overview of your research question, explaining why it is of academic and/or practical importance
  • Outline the main objectives of your research, providing details of two or three key aspects
  • Write a short literature review, indicating the importance of related research or literature and how your own research question might make a useful contribution to the area
  • State the main research techniques (physiological, questionnaires/interviews, mixed modelling etc.) you might use
  • Indicate your suggested data collection procedures, indicating sources and any possible difficulties
  • Explain any analytical techniques you intend to use
    State your proposed timetable of activities
  • Finally, list the references in your proposal or provide a short bibliography.

In our experience, there are a number of common reasons why proposals from well qualified potential students are rejected. Some common problems are outlined below:

  • Your research topic is inadequately specified. You must write to a very tight format stating what you plan to research, why and how. The format is clearly outlined above.
  • A study that merely aims to discover new empirical information or simply solve a current issue will probably not be accepted. Your proposal must engage new ideas/thought and demonstrate strong critical insight into one or more academic disciplines to succeed in your research.

Consider utilising our MRes Sport and Exercise Research Proposal form to craft your proposal. Upon submission, you’ll receive an emailed copy of the form, enabling you to conveniently attach it to your application.

Please refer to our research proposal guidance for information on submitting a suitable research proposal.

All suitable candidates will be asked to submit a research proposal as part of the application procedure and if short listed will be required to attend an interview as part of the admissions process.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Module Details

You will apply to undertake the MRes in a specific area or in line with the tutor specialist focus, see Specialisms below. The programme is a one-year full time programme which has two taught modules undertaken in the first trimester (Research Methodologies, Research Skills) which are designed to support you to develop your knowledge and understanding in the research area as well as allow you to become familiar with the project’s protocols.  Once successfully completed you will undertake the 120-credit dissertation module in trimester two and three.

Please note the modules shown here relate to the academic year 24/25. The modules relating to the academic year 25/26 will be available from June 2025.

  • Research Methodologies (20 Credits)
    Status: Compulsory
  • Research Skills (40 Credits)
    Status: Compulsory
  • MRes Dissertation (120 Credits)
    Status: Compulsory

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