
PG Dip Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting or School Nursing)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGDip FT: 52-weeks, of which 45 weeks programmed over maximum 78 weeks. PT: 2-3 years over maximum 156 weeks

Masters Degree Description

This innovative Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting or School Nursing) course enables you to develop your practice to the maximum. You will complete the programme as a collaborative public health practitioner, who is able to lead practice forward and work in partnership with clients and other professions and agencies.

Our aim is to enable you to be a high-quality practitioner who is a skilful public health nurses in school nursing or health visiting, and is able to bring about change in your practice environments.

Entry Requirements

Access to the SCPHN course is open to practitioners who meet the following criteria.

You must:

  • be registered on either the nursing or midwifery parts of the NMC register
  • be able to demonstrate evidence of advanced level study on entry
  • have the support of your manager or sponsorship from a PCT
  • have access to a community practice teacher
  • have a source of funding to enable you to meet the course fees.


  • entry onto the course will be subject to satisfactory Criminal Records Bureau clearance
  • evidence of being currently on the NMC register will also be required.

If your first language is not English you must demonstrate that your level of English is appropriate for study at postgraduate level. This means you need an IELTS score of 6.5-7 overall or a qualification at an equivalent level.

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For up to date course fees please see individual course pages on our website.

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