
MA Sociological Research Methods

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Discover how to turn raw data into useful information which can tell us about how people work. You learn how to gain an understanding of society through carrying out case studies, surveys, and observational research. Our MA Sociological Research provides a strong foundation in doing empirical research, encompassing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

We offer you advanced study of research design and of specific research techniques and their evaluation. In the process you also acquire a critical appreciation of empirical research methodology. Graduates of this course will understand the connection between theory and empirical methodology, and be able to produce, evaluate and effectively communicate research findings.

You explore topics including: Debates in contemporary social theory, The theory and methods of qualitative interviewing, Quantitative data analysis, Sociological research design.

Our Department of Sociology was rated top 10 in the UK for research quality (REF 2014).

Entry Requirements

We will consider all applicants with 2:2 or above, or equivalent international qualifications. For some courses, there may be additional requirements which can be found on our website.

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Student Destinations

This course offers invaluable training if you seek future employment in a wide range of social research occupations. You will develop key employability skills including; thinking analytically, research design, essay writing, quantitative and qualitative data analysis and interviewing skills.

You are provided with excellent preparation for further academic study, and many of our postgraduates go on to successful academic careers, both in the UK and overseas.

Others have established careers in non-governmental organisations, local authorities, specialist think tanks, government departments, charities, media production, and market intelligence.

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