  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Full Time 1 year

Masters Degree Description

This MA Social Work degree equips you with the skills, knowledge and reflective capacity you need to practise as an effective social worker.

You will develop a sound knowledge base that encompasses theory, the ethical and legal bases for practice, social policy and an understanding of how social work fits into organisational contexts.

The course promotes relationship-based practice and is unique because of the link with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

It is extremely popular, with up to 600 applicants each year for 40 places. The standard for entry is therefore very high, although good experience of practice will be given serious consideration.

The opportunity to study both at the University of East London and the Tavistock allows you to experience university culture and a working clinic. As part of the course, you will participate in a week-long Group Relations Conference as well as weekly work discussion groups.

Because the course attracts students from different cultural backgrounds and a range of disciplines – including psychology, law, sociology, criminology, business studies and even science – the knowledge our students bring enriches the course experience as much as the teaching.

Entry Requirements

Minimum 2.1 Honours in any discipline


Minimum 2:2 (Hons) degree classification and a post graduate qualification or extensive relevant experience may also be considered. Applicants are required to have Grade 4 / C in GCSE English and Maths or equivalent. All suitable applicants are also required to attend an interview and pass a literacy test.

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