
MRes Social Science Enquiry in Creative Arts and Mental Health

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

This MRes is for you if you’re interested in researching the role of the creative arts in mental health, as a tool for advancing knowledge in critical mental health, as therapeutic and preventive interventions and for education of professionals and the general public. It is designed for students who are accepted for doctoral research training through the LISS DTP Programme. Only apply to the MRes if you are also applying to the London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP) programme. Please note the deadline for applying to the LISS DTP.

  • Learn about a critical perspective to mental health theory and practice
  • Learn about the application of the creative arts to research, practice, education, advocacy and activism in the field of mental health
  • Gain training in key social science research skills to prepare for doctoral level study
  • Develop your own area of expertise in the field of the arts and mental health through arts practice and research
  • ESRC 1+3 funding available to cover MRes and PhD study

The MRes Social Science Enquiry in Creative Arts and Mental Health is a pre-doctoral training programme designed to provide a critical, research led approach to the study of arts for mental health, which include social science research into applied arts projects as well as socially engaged arts practices. The programme will also deliver training in the key research skills appropriate for doctoral level study. Alongside two substantive modules offered in conjunction with the MSc Creative Arts and Mental Health, the programme includes core modules in research design, and qualitative and quantitative methods, taken jointly with social science students from a range of disciplines across Queen Mary, Kings College London and Imperial College as part of the training offered by the ESRC funded London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS DTP).

The MRes Social Science Enquiry in Creative Arts and Mental Health is an approved pathway for ESRC funding, enabling students to apply for ESRC 1+3 funding to cover both the MRes and a PhD, and successful MRes graduates to apply subsequently for ESRC +3 PhD funding.

Entry Requirements

Applicants for the MRes should have an undergraduate degree in a related subject, with a typical entry requirement of 2.1. They must also have been accepted into the KCL/Imperial/QMUL ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership.

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Please see website for up-to-date fees information.

ESRC 1+3 funding available to cover MRes and PhD study

Module Details

Four compulsory modules plus 10,000-15,000-word dissertation

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