  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full time.

Masters Degree Description

On this course you’ll explore issues, concepts, and debates in social and public policy research to gain an insight into policy-making and its social impacts.

You’ll take core modules that investigate social theories, issues and research methods relevant to social and public policy. You’ll also develop core skills in critical policy analysis and policy evaluation. There are also opportunities to study and debate current policy issues, such as work and welfare, migration, child and family policy, or the challenges of ageing populations, with a focus on real-life examples.

Supported by our well-known research centres and taught by expert tutors, you’ll tailor the programme to suit your own interests and career aspirations. With a range of optional modules to choose from, you could pursue further advanced research skills or study complementary social topics such as disability studies, gender studies, racism and ethnicity studies, or globalisation.

You’ll gain an insight into some of the most sensitive and complex social issues affecting governments worldwide.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) or equivalent in a social science, or related subject.

Visit our website for full entry requirements, including the alternative qualifications we accept.

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Please see our website for fees information.

Programme Funding

Please see our website for funding opportunities

Student Destinations

You’ll gain a wide range of knowledge and skills throughout this course, including sophisticated skills in research, communication and analysis that will be useful in a variety of careers.

Social and Public Policy graduates have gone on to a wide range of posts across the third sector, public services, government and business. These have included central and local government departments, community bodies, housing and health organisations, research consultancies and advocacy or campaigning.

Module Details

Please see our website for module information.

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