
MSc Skin Science And Stem Cell Biology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year

Masters Degree Description

Skin Science and Stem Cell Biology is the study of the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in tissue regeneration; study of which is ultimately aimed at the treatment of human disease by producing replacement cells, tissues and organs. Although still in relative infancy, this exciting new field of tissue engineering is rapidly growing in importance, as recognised by the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine which was awarded for research in this field.

The Skin Science and Stem Cell Biology programme at Bradford has been designed to allow students to focus on acquiring specialised scientific knowledge and practical skills in stem cell biology related to skin sciences, with a particular emphasis on the potential applications in the treatment of skin disorders as well as the relevance to regenerative medicine.

A key feature of the programme is the opportunity to combine advanced scientific knowledge in skin sciences with the experimental techniques used in research. Consequently, graduates qualified with a MSc in Skin Science and Stem Cell Biology are in high demand for employment in hospitals, universities, healthcare and diagnostics laboratories, as well as other industries where commercialisation of diagnostic and cosmetic products is of primary importance.

Entry Requirements

Candidates should hold a Bachelor’s degree in any aspect of the Biological Sciences or a related Life Sciences course. A medical degree would also be appropriate. Minimum classification – 2:2 or equivalent.

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