  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCert 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Welcome to the Swansea University Schools’ Partnership (SUSP/PYPA), an innovative collaboration of school and university-based staff working together to ensure that ‘Tomorrow’s Teachers’ have the skills and experience to make a difference to pupils in Wales.

Well-qualified Welsh teachers are in high demand across the UK. SUSP has developed an innovative Secondary Welsh PGCE programme that is designed to provide new entrants to the teaching profession with confidence in their subject knowledge and in their understanding of how to teach it. This programme will prepare you to make a positive contribution to the learning communities you will be joining. SUSP’s Secondary Welsh PGCE programme is underpinned by regional, national and international research. You will learn how to make Welsh meaningful, interesting and fun and also how to analyse your own and your pupils’ development.

SUSP’s integrated and rigorous PGCE programme will challenge you academically and professionally. The PGCE Welsh programme aims to develop critical understanding of the nature of Welsh and its position in the school curriculum. You will be encouraged to research and test your own approaches to Welsh pedagogy to find those techniques that work best for you and for the pupils you teach. SUSP is committed to developing research-informed reflective practitioners who can demonstrate creativity and flexibility in their teaching so that learners develop their competence in an environment that cultivates enjoyment of the subject.


The Swansea University Schools’ Partnership will draw upon the University’s considerable academic expertise in Welsh. SUSP will provide high-quality, practitioner and research-led ITE based on the principle of integrated learning. All aspects of the course have been developed collaboratively and will be delivered, quality assured and reviewed as a partnership to consolidate that collaboration throughout the year.

Swansea University Schools’ Partnership (SUSP) will deliver a high-quality, research and practice integrated programme premised on its vision of developing research-informed reflective practitioners who can contribute significantly to the quality of Welsh education.

Entry Requirements

Applicants for the Secondary PGCE are required to have achieved the following prior to admission to the programme:

  • An honours degree at a minimum of 2:2 in a relevant subject, or a related subject with at least 50% relevant subject content;
  • Grade C GCSE in English/Welsh (students applying for the Welsh medium programme will be required to have a GCSE in Welsh);
  • Grade C GCSE in Maths

The GCSE Grade C in English/Welsh and Mathematics are a requirement set by the Welsh Government. 

All interviews will be held virtually (using Microsoft Teams) with a PGCE subject specialist through the medium of English or Welsh as desired. The format will consist of a short interview and professional discussion.

All PGCE students will complete a Digital Competence audit on enrolment and have digital competence training embedded into their PGCE programme of study.

All applicants will be required to undertake an enhanced DBS check. Applicants must not have been excluded from teaching or working with children nor be registered with the DBS as unfit for working with children or young persons (please see additional costs section).

All applicants must meet the requirements of the Education Health Standards (Wales) confirming their health and physical capacity to teach (please see additional costs section).

Find out more


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

We offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries for both taught and research courses to help you fund your study.

Student Destinations

Successful completion of the SUSP PGCE will lead to recommendation to the Education Workforce Council for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and provides opportunities for employment as a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) in schools.

Module Details

For module details please see here

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