
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert 1 year full-time, or 2 years part-time. September intake.

Masters Degree Description

On this Master of Science degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), you will develop advanced skills 

​On this Master of Science degree in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), you will develop advanced skills across complex and core topics in service, industrial and social robotics. You will study the latest cutting-edge advancements in the field – such as machine learning techniques, robotics vision & speech, and 3D modelling. You will then apply your knowledge to the design and development of sophisticated autonomous intelligent apps, 3D designs and physical robotics systems.

You will also develop strong managerial and leadership skills, and a global appreciation of the economic, legal, social, ethical and environmental context of robotics. In addition, there are opportunities for short-term mobility trips to visit global industry leaders and short industrial or academic internship placements, which can often prove very useful in securing future employment in the UK and globally. An expert-level knowledge of robotics, AI and machine learning is highly desirable in industry, with opportunities for further research and PhD study also available.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should have an Honours degree at least 2:2 or its equivalent in a relevant area, e.g., Robotics, Artificial intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics or an appropriate Engineering specialism.

Programming skills in Python/Java/C/C++ are highly desirable.

Relevance shall be determined by the Programme Director with reference to the applicant’s transcript, and, if required, via an interview. Other disciplines will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Equivalence shall be determined by:

  • International Admissions Team for applicants from outside the United Kingdom.
  • The Programme Director for applicants who present professional qualifications such as from the BCS. Such an applicant would be interviewed by the Programme Director to establish suitability.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

A range of bursaries, scholarships, loans and grants are available. Please visit website to find out more.

Student Destinations

The need for trained experts in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is growing globally.

The learning, teaching, assessment and feedback of the MSc in Robotics and AI are designed to develop a professional portfolio of project work and robotics & AI artefacts as students move into graduate employment.

This innovative programme is built with emphasis on work-based learning towards employability, ethical and social entrepreneurship. It aims to develop professionals and entrepreneurs with a global knowledge of a wide range of robotics and AI theories and scientific applications through the lenses of social entrepreneurship.

Opportunities for short term mobility and internships will provide an enhanced learning experience and a portfolio of real-world projects that graduates can take into their chosen careers.

Module Details

Compulsory modules:

  • Advanced AI in Robotics (20 credits)
  • 3D Bio-Inspired Robot Design (20 credits)
  • Mobile Robotics (20 credits)
  • Applications for Social and Service Robots (20 credits)
  • Vision with Deep Learning (20 credits)
  • Research & Professional Practice (20 credits)
  • Technology Dissertation (40 credits)

Optional modules:

  • Sensors and Actuators (20 credits)
  • Frontiers in Technology (20 credits)
  • Programming for Data Analysis (20 credits)
  • Information Security (20 credits)

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