
PG Cert Research Informed Leadership

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Up to 12 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course provides an opportunity to undertake a professional development project within a school or other setting.

It is intended to support practising professionals in understanding the impact of research on practice, including how theory relates to practice, designing effective projects and evaluating impact.

This will necessarily include the development of understanding of both sector specific and/or setting specific issues at local and wider levels. It promotes the development of reflective professional practice, linking relevant theory to educational practice. It is intended that participants will consolidate their professional confidence and autonomy through critical reflection and focused research.

Entry Requirements

First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Degree in a relevant discipline (applications from students who do not hold a 1st or 2:1 Honours Degree (or equivalent), but have appropriate professional experience may be considered).

Due to the leadership specialism the expectation of the applicant will be that they have gained some leadership experience within an educational setting. Normally they will be engaged in a leadership role at the time of starting on the programme.

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Student Destinations

This is a professional learning course designed specifically to enable education professionals to students to make clear connections between relevant research, theory and practice. The 60 Masters-level credits can also be used towards a Masters in Education.

Module Details

Research Informed Practice in Action (30 Credits)

Research Informed: Leadership (30 Credits)

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